Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Update on Melannie

Hello Friends,

We thank God for the last few days, we are still at the hospital, Melannie got Malaria and a very high fever, and throwing up, in the last few hours , but she is doing much better after getting the treatment, feeding well, and get better , am not sure when we are leaving the hospital , i hope soon, but the most important thing is for Melanie to get better.

We are still trusting the lord to take her for surgery, also trusting the lord for a Miracle, any body there who knows a cardiology surgeon , we would use your help, we would love to take her to the US for this.

Its getting late after mid night and i have to have few hours of rest , will write more tomorow.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I am praying that you will find a surgeon who can help Melanie, and that God will open the way. Praying for your family, too, as you go through this, that God will comfort and hold you, and that you will learn to trust Him even more.